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  • Writer's pictureMadhumita Chakraborty

Pictionary to Pictionary Air: Building Vocabulary through AR games

Updated: Jul 3, 2023

Learning a new language can be a challenging yet rewarding journey. While traditional language learning methods focus on textbooks, grammar rules, and vocabulary lists, incorporating visual aids can significantly enhance the learning experience. Visuals have a powerful impact on memory retention and can make the process of acquiring new vocabulary more engaging and memorable. One effective way to incorporate visuals into language learning is through the Pictionary words game.

pictionary air

What is Pictionary Air?

Pictionary Air, an AR game, signifies the latest iteration of the classic group game Pictionary, replacing the conventional pencils and papers with a more modern approach to drawing. Through the utilization of an air pen and a dedicated AR Pictionary air app, Pictionary Air players can artistically bring their creations to life in the virtual realm, allowing other players to witness and interact with their drawings on screen.

What is a Pictionary?

Pictionary, a word-guessing game created by Robert Angel and featuring graphic design by Gary Everson, was originally published in 1985 by Angel Games Inc. Western Publishing obtained a license to produce Pictionary and later in 1994, Hasbro acquired the rights to the game as part of their acquisition of Western Publishing's games business. In 2001, ownership of Pictionary was transferred to Mattel. The game involves teams of players working together to identify specific words provided by their fellow

How to play Pictionary words game?

In the Pictionary words game, a player is given a word or phrase that they must illustrate without using letters, numbers, or verbal communication. The other players then try to guess the word based on the drawing. The game encourages creativity, critical thinking, and rapid mental associations. When used as a language learning tool, Pictionary helps learners associate visual representations with target language vocabulary.

Incorporating Pictionary words into Language Lessons

future technology

Incorporating Pictionary or AR games like Pictionary Air into our daily language lessons offers a dynamic and interactive way to engage learners, reinforce language skills and provide an immersive experience through the integration of augmented reality technology.

Here are some more details on how to effectively use Pictionary in language learning:

1. Increase vocabulary: Pictionary words help learners to expand their vocabulary by associating visual representations with words. During the game, learners actively engage in searching for the right visual cues to depict the given word, reinforcing their understanding and retention of vocabulary items.

2. Contextual Learning: Pictionary rules are tailored in such a way which allows learners to acquire vocabulary within specific contexts or themes. Teachers can tailor Pictionary sessions to focus on a particular topic, such as "travel" or "sports." This thematic approach helps learners grasp vocabulary related to a specific subject area, enabling them to use the language more effectively in real-life situations.

3. Active Participation: With its engaging gameplay and diverse range of pictionary ideas, encourages active participation from all learners. It requires them to think quickly, express their ideas visually, and engage in meaningful communication. This active involvement promotes a learner-centered environment, fostering collaboration, creativity, and critical thinking. With an abundance of pictionary ideas to explore, learners can expand their vocabulary, enhance their language skills, and enjoy an immersive language learning experience.

4. Visual Comprehension: By offering visual cues that facilitate understanding, it enhances visual comprehension for learners. They can observe and interpret their peers' drawings, reinforcing their ability to associate visual representations with specific vocabulary words or phrases. This process deepens their language learning experience and strengthens their overall comprehension skills.

5. Contextual Guessing: When learners guess the words drawn by their peers, they are exposed to contextual clues. These clues, combined with visual representations, help learners make connections between the word and its meaning. Contextual guessing enhances learners' ability to comprehend words within meaningful contexts rather than isolated vocabulary items.

6. Error Correction: Pictionary air allows teachers to observe and identify learners' language errors, such as pronunciation or vocabulary usage. Through error correction, teachers can provide immediate feedback, helping learners refine their language skills and avoid recurring mistakes.

Language Learning with Pictionary Air an Immersive AR Games

Artificial Intelligence, AI

Pictionary air which is combined with augmented reality (AR) games, offers several advantages for language learners, revolutionizing the language learning process in multiple ways:

1. Engaging and Interactive Learning: By integrating AR technology into Pictionary air, language learners are provided with an immersive and interactive learning experience. AR games add an extra layer of engagement, making the language learning process more enjoyable and captivating.

2. Multi-Sensory Experience: AR games like Pictionary air create a multi-sensory experience by incorporating visual and auditory elements. Learners can see virtual objects come to life and hear accompanying sounds, which enhances their comprehension and retention of vocabulary.

3. Real-Life Application: AR games bridge the gap between language learning and real-life application. Learners can engage with virtual scenarios and environments, simulating practical situations where they can use the language in context. This promotes practical language skills and boosts confidence in using the language outside of the classroom.

4. Collaborative and Social Learning: Pictionary air with AR games encourages collaborative and social learning experiences. Learners can interact with their peers, working together to solve language-related challenges presented in the AR games. This fosters communication, teamwork, and the exchange of language knowledge among learners.

Enhancing Communication Skills with AR games

communication skill

Playing Pictionary words game significantly contributes to the development of communication skills in language learners:

1. Verbal Expression: Pictionary air prompts learners to describe and explain the visual cues they are drawing. This verbal expression allows learners to practice articulating their thoughts and ideas in the target language, improving their speaking skills and fluency.

2. Listening and Comprehension: When learners guess the words drawn by their peers, they engage in active listening and comprehension. They must carefully interpret the visual and verbal clues provided by their peers, strengthening their listening skills and enhancing their ability to understand spoken language in context.

3. Non-Verbal Communication: Pictionary air encourages the use of non-verbal communication strategies to convey meaning. Learners can use gestures, facial expressions, and body language to communicate their ideas effectively, even without relying solely on spoken language. This practice enhances learners' overall communication skills and cross-cultural communication competence.

4. Collaboration and Teamwork: Pictionary words game is often played in groups, fostering collaboration and teamwork. Learners must work together to guess the drawings and communicate their ideas. This collaborative environment promotes interpersonal skills, such as negotiation, cooperation, and active listening, all of which are essential for effective communication.

5. Confidence Building: Engaging in Pictionary words game activities allows learners to practice their language skills in a supportive and non-threatening environment. The positive feedback and successful communication experiences boost learners' confidence, encouraging them to use the target language more confidently in real-life situations.

By seamlessly incorporating Pictionary Air, an innovative AR game, into language lessons, learners can significantly enhance their vocabulary, pronunciation, and overall communication skills. The interactive nature of Pictionary Air, combined with its multi-sensory learning experience and focus on effective communication, establishes it as a powerful tool for language acquisition and an exciting addition to language learning curricula. Leveraging the captivating visuals of Pictionary, this interactive and engaging approach, guided by the engaging Pictionary rules, fosters vocabulary building, improved pronunciation, and enhanced communication skills among learners. Whether enjoyed in groups or individually, Pictionary Air presents an effective and enjoyable method to expand language proficiency while ensuring a delightful learning journey.

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